TechSafe Solve Portal for MaaS360

We developed the TechSafe SolveTM to seamlessly integrate with a wide range of MDM providers including MaaS360.

Health Checker

Smarter debugging

TechSafe Solve includes a powerful tool called the Health Checker, which helps users to quickly and easily diagnose any issues with their devices. With the Health Checker, users can run a comprehensive inspection of their device to identify any problems or potential risks. The tool provides a summary of any issues that are found, along with recommendations for how to fix them.

Audit Log

Greater Visibility

Track actions that have been made against a device to keep in the loop on what is happening in your fleet.


Ensure devices are compliant

A list of compliance features that can be customized to fit your requirements.

Information Views

Location Information

TechSafe allows you to be able to view the last logged location to help track down lost / stolen devices.

Want to learn more?

Getting started with our platform is easy. It takes minutes to get TechSafe connected to your existing UEM/MDM platform. We work with you and your IT / Security team to secure and connected everything.

Our dedicated support team is available to assist you and have a no-obligation chat to understand your needs. You can have confidence that we have the resources you need to succeed. So why wait? Sign up for our mobile device management platform today and take control of your organization’s mobile devices!